Wednesday 18 September 2013

Module - I Summary


sum of all living and non-living things that surround an organism, or group of organisms.

all elements, factors , and conditions that have some impact on growth and development of certain organism.

Abiotic factors

light, temperature, water, atmospheric gases

Biotic factors

all surrounding living species


Natural systems – Physical Forces and Chemistry of
Lithosphere and Top Soil

Oceanic circulation
Rainfall patterns
Land use and Land cover

Species within ecosystems and their impact by physical-chemical inputs
Population genetics and interactions with other species
Development and use of technology

Production – Industrial and Agricultural

Scope of Environmental Science

• Conservation of nature and natural resources – Sustainable Development
• Conservation of biological diversity
• Control of environmental pollution and Waste Management
• Stabilization of human population and environment
• Social issues in relation to development and environment
• Development of non-polluting renewable energy system and providing new dimension to nation’s security

Importance of Environment Studies

There is a proverb “If you plan for one year, plant rice, if you plan for 10 years, plant trees and if you plan for 100 years, educate people.” 

If we wish to manage our planet earth, we have to make all the persons environmentally educated.


Climate change — Global warming
 Sea level rise
 Greenhouse gas
 Urban Heat Islands
 Change in Agricultural Pattern

Conservation — Species extinction • Pollinator decline • Coral bleaching • Holocene extinction • Invasive species • Poaching • Endangered species

Energy — Energy conservation • Renewable energy • Efficient energy use • Renewable energy commercialization • Environmental impact of the coal industry

Air pollution
— Environmental impact 

Tropospheric ozone 
Indoor air quality 
Volatile organic compound
Atmospheric particulate matter
Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

Water Pollution 

Acid Rain 
Marine pollution 
Ocean dumping 
Oil spills 
Thermal pollution 
Urban runoff 
Water crisis 
Marine debris 
Fish kill 
Algal bloom 
Mercury in fish

Awareness through Education & Institutions
Government - Ministry of Environment and Forest, Central and State Pollution Control Board
Academic Institutions - Schools and University level curriculim
Non-Government Organizations - NGO
Journals and Magazines
Judiciary - Green Benches

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